As educators with over two decades of experience - combined with our legal background - we regularly design and deliver programs on a broad range of topics, incorporating the law and values of DEI and using a variety of delivery methods. Whatever your educational needs, we can design a program for you.
TA Strategies is proud to be a Diamond Educational Partner of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors.
Our Program Offerings Include
The Stop Campus Hazing Act: A Deep-Dive into New Federal Hazing Mandates
On December 24, 2024, President Biden signed the Stop Campus Hazing Act into law.
Building from our Legal and Legislative Update presented at the 2024 Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors Annual Meeting, our program explores the Stop Campus Hazing Act and new federal requirements applicable to all institutions of higher education that participate in federal student financial aid programs.
Attendees will examine a new federal definition of "hazing" and "student organization," as well as a new mandate for "research-informed campus-wide prevention programs" related to hazing. Participants will identify how these new federal requirements will change their practice, as well as areas for ongoing monitoring.
The program can be further customized to include challenges in implementation and compliance, in light of anti-DEI state legislation and the U.S. Supreme Court affirmative action decision in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College.
A version of this program was previously approved for continuing education (CE) credits toward the Student Affairs Educator Certification (CSAEd)
It Takes Just One: Hazing Prevention from a Culturally Based Lens
What does “risk management” mean to a fraternity or sorority that is focused in diverse cultures and identities—that’s nothing like the IFC and NPC groups on campus? In campus training and education, it seems like the risk is always framed through the lens of others, right? Even if that's the case, no member of your organization can afford to be asleep at the switch! From leaders to individual members, everyone in the organization must remain cognizant of the serious risks that are present in every organization, regardless of what council you may be a part of.
This training will present the most recent updates on risk management, including state hazing laws and legal trends that apply to ALL fraternities and sororities. The program will cover expanding legal definitions of hazing and increased penalties (both civil and criminal) for individual students who engage in misconduct. Participants will also explore examples of hazing that have impacted the greater fraternity/sorority community and apply concepts to understand the serious risk to all members.
Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
Navigating Gender Identity and Expression as a Legal Professional
This CLE takes a deep dive into the term “gender identity and expression” and provides a greater understanding of transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse lived experiences. This program will also explore the ways in which gender identity and expression impact all individuals within the legal profession, including paralegals, support staff, and attorneys. Participants will then review the legal landscape for trans and non-binary folks, including novel language appearing in recent court decisions. The program concludes with concrete tips and suggestions for making your firm and individual practices more inclusive for all folks, regardless of their identities and backgrounds.
Previously approved for:
Arizona Professional Responsibility credit
California Recognition and Elimination of Bias credit
Nevada Ethics credit
TA Strategies is proud to be a Diamond Educational Partner of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors.